Friday, February 8, 2013

Welcome to the new year!

Wow, it's been a while since I've last written. Well, here I am getting back on track after the insanity that was last fall.
Last spring I started a seasonal detoxification program for my dogs. It was based on the Chinese calendar and organ affinities, and I came up with combinations of the Standard Process human supplements for detoxification of the various organs. Unfortunately, I never made it past the spring. One of my dogs, Alice the Aussie mix, couldn't tolerate one of the supplements that I had chosen. Then she developed other problems and ended up dying of mast cell tumor at home.
She was a great dog. I'd had her for years, since she was picked up as a stray in Elk River. She was bold, aggressive, and wise, a go-anywhere, do-anything kind of dog. Over the last couple of years of her life she struggled a little with the fallout from a bout of vestibular disease, but never lost her appetite or attitude.
So, anyhow, back to the detox idea. Since then I have reverted to using more of the veterinary line of Standard Process products in my practice. I have also read more and learned more. I lean more and more towards supporting the organ systems so that they can naturally detoxify themselves, rather than forcing detoxification on systems that may be weakened.
This means that before you try this program, make sure you have your basics in place. This means raw food diet and appropriate basic supplementation - essential fatty acids, probiotics, and digestive enzymes. I will be utilizing Standard Process veterinary products exclusively. These are available from my office (obviously), at many chiropractic offices, and you can even find some of them on Amazon.
The goal is to use the supplements for organ support for a limited period of time. All Standard Process products are whole food supplements, i.e. food sources of vitamins and minerals (as opposed to synthetic crap that your body can't easily utilize or absorb). In between the organ-specific seasons, I suggest that you go back to some other whole food supplement (which you are probably already using for your pets, if you have been to see me or taken any of my classes). This means something like Springtime's Fresh Factors, Dr. Harvey's E-Mune Blend, Missing Link, Udo's Essentials, Azmira's Daily Boost, etc.
I'll be recording my dogs' progress through the program, with a brief heads up as we start each season and the list of what you'll need. I encourage all pet owners to follow through the program with me, and let me know how your pets respond and any changes you see, and I'll do the same. As my dogs age, I am anxious to do whatever I can to help keep them healthy and functional, and I'm sure many pet owners feel the same. Come along on this journey with me!

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